Munda Yumadoo Iliga
Under Threat

'Munda Yumadoo Iliga'
'Leave the land as it is'
Suzanne Haseldine- Senior Kokatha (Googatha) Elder
The oldest culture in the world has maintained the land without destruction beyond repair for over 60,000 years.
Aunty Sue has been maintaining cultural practice on Kokatha country and continues to teacher this practice with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. The cultural practice is heavy and hard work, keeping the water in the rockholes clean from dead animals. Aunty Sue cares and protects the land, this is her cultural responsibility. In all the 'community consultation' process by the rocket launch company, Aunty sue has not been invited to talk about her resistance to rocket launches. Cultural consultation needs to be done appropriately. Aunty Sue works for cultural heritage and is well known for her work on country.